人們去逛商場,在特定的節日里那些商業中心總是被一些具象的美陳充斥。對我來說,那不夠特別。我一直想尋找機會表達一個我心目中裝置的模樣——一個滿足人們日常活動的非日常場所。今年“光影上海”燈光藝術節裝置作品的征集中,Mur Mur工作室方案入選,設計將在 “光影上海”—— 瑞虹天地開幕式上呈現。
When we go to shopping malls in particular holidays, malls are always occupied with concrete display. To me, it’s not that special. I always want to realize an installation as pictured in my mind —— a non-daily place which can satisfy daily use. In a collection of installations for “Lumiere Shanghai”, our studio got the chance to design a piece of installation in Ruihong Tiandi, a spot of this year’s “Lumiere Shanghai”.
▽ 視頻,Video
▽ 在魔都,追一輪新月,A New Moon in Shanghai
人們愛好滿月,在特定的日子里翹首以盼,而我有時卻喜歡不徹底的事物。業主要求裝置與瑞虹天地此次開幕商場—— “月亮灣”項目意有契合,于是在大部分人選擇表達滿月的時候,我們設計了一彎新月。通過一個正投影8m邊長的等邊三角與3個半徑不同的球體交錯,切割出一下兩上三片弧面形成最終造型。經由經驗豐富的結構工程師計算,撐起上方兩片弧面的3根極細不銹鋼柱巧妙隱藏在300根透明亞克力燈柱中,完全消隱。三片巨大的弧面板是工程最大的挑戰。在有限的預算下,我們痛苦地舍棄了設計原本想要的鏡面效果,在材料的選擇上也作出了妥協。整體塑形沒有可能性,我們只能切分加工,現場組裝。我們小心翼翼不愿放下對建筑學的執念和追求,又受困于現實的窘境。我們創造了一個非傳統的裝置,但是距離精致的極簡還是差些。
▽ 通過一個正投影8m邊長的等邊三角與3個半徑不同的球體交錯,切割出一下兩上三片弧面形成最終造型,Through a projection of 8m side of the equilateral triangle with 3 spheres, three pieces of arc come to the final result.
▽ 經由經驗豐富的結構工程師計算,撐起上方兩片弧面的3根極細不銹鋼柱巧妙隱藏在300根透明亞克力燈柱中完全消隱,Our experienced structural engineer worked out the plan of 3 thin columns, but people can hardly see them because they were covered with mirror stainless steel and hidden properly in a group of 300 acrylic lamp posts
▽星星點點的光芒和音樂交融,仿若進入夢境,with music by ear, feeling like being in a dream
▽ 銀色的巨型三角漂浮空中,街角遠遠就能望見這個小地標,You can see the little landmark a block away as the piece of giant metal triangle float in the air.
▽ 令人微醉的迷光森林,Try forgetting the reality for a moment in our glittering forest.
上漆的最后一夜飄了幾絲小雨,天亮時裝置成了大花臉慘不忍睹,供應商撩挑子跑了,留下傻眼的我們和不知如何收場的殘局。臨時找來的工程隊,終究還是趕在開業活動前補完了漆。“光影上海”瑞虹天地的現場熱鬧非凡。然而這場華麗的開場啟幕之前,每個人的出發點就已決定了他的所得和犧牲。因為擔心效果,裝置落成后的連續幾天,我去現場觀察人們對它的態度。這個巨大的三角似亭非“亭”,附近居民時常駐足觀賞,好奇它有什么作用。小朋友永遠是最歡快的,他們喜歡在管子間鉆來鉆去,緊張了保安在一旁不斷提醒。打算下次做一個彈力繩的森林,專供熊孩 子鉆進鉆出。環繞路徑奔跑的孩子落雨的光,光好像搭上了他們創造的旋轉木馬,這是意外的驚喜。在遍地圣誕樹開花的節日,我們為魔都創造了一個小地標。而我們尋找的,或許是一棵匠心,一棵大樹般永不遷徙的匠心;甚或是一種意像——如同,月亮如何在身旁升起,光如何照耀森林。
▽在白天,External View
Shanghai Moon
People love and expect full moon. For me, I choose incomplete beauty as a fancy sometimes. So, when the client wanted the design to match the name of Ruihong Tiandi’s new Shopping Mall —— Moon Bay,we choose to express a new moon instead of a full one.Through a projection of 8m side of the equilateral triangle with 3 spheres, three pieces of arc come to the final result. Our experienced structural engineer worked out the plan of 3 thin columns, but people can hardly see them because they were covered with mirror stainless steel and hidden properly in a group of 300 acrylic lamp posts.The three giant arc were the biggest challenge. With a tight budget, we gave the original choice of mirror. Since the arc is too big, the factory can only produce small pieces and joined them at the site. In the end, we come up with an installation fulfilled with our architectural dream, but not elegant enough.
Glittering Forest
You can see the little landmark a block away as the piece of giant metal triangle float in the air. During night, 300 lamp posts light up. People can walk into the forest of lamp posts, with music by ear, feeling like being in a dream. I especially like the road in the “forest”, it created a space which invite people to experience. Try forgetting the reality for a moment in our glittering forest.
Reality and Surprise
On the last working night, the painting work met a rainy day, without working out a proper result, our supplier quit. The workers found temporarily solved the painting problem but with a high price.The big installation looks like a pavilion but in fact it’s not. People feel quite curious about how it works especially the kids. They like to run in the lamp posts, and when they run the installation seems to me has been changed to a merry-go-round. What a surprise catch!
With malls showing their Christmas tree everywhere, we created a little landmark for Shanghai. But what we really want to do is not only the design, but to purchase an originality, as——how moon raised up, how light lit the forest.
▽建筑模型,Physical Model
▽平面圖,Floor Plan
裝置名稱: 月下扁舟
地點: 上海市瑞虹路天虹路路口,月亮灣
業主: 上海瑞虹新城有限公司
設計工作室: Mur Mur Lab
主創設計: 夏慕蓉,李智,王凱
設計團隊: 席宇,孫辰
結構顧問: 于軍峰
燈光顧問: 何偉杰(景工作室)
攝影: Hozwee,CreatAR艾清
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